Buy Turf

Choosing The Right Lawn For You

Consider the following when selecting your new lawn:

  • How much foot traffic does your lawn get?
  • Do you have pets?
  • Is the site shaded, or in full sun?
  • What type of soil do you have? Is it salty or clay-based?
  • What is the Water availability / Drought tolerance?
  • Pest & Disease tolerance
  • Weed invasiveness
  • Maintenance / Frequency of mowing
  • The Look/ Aesethics/ Colour/Texture
  • Wear / High wear (Children)
  • Surrounding plants/ gardens/ fences

Comparing Turf Chart with all 5 lawn varieties across

Tahoma 31 Sir Walter Empire Zoysia Zoysia Matrella


Drought Resistance Very High High Medium Medium High
Shade Resistance Up to 50% Up to 75% Up to 75% Up to 75% Up to 50%
Wear Resistance Very High High Medium Medium Very High
Maintenance Medium Low Low Very Low Medium
Leaf Fine Broad Medium Fine Fine
Estimated Cost $11-$14 $11-$14 $10-$13 $16-$19 $5-$8


Still not sure?

Call us today, email or facebook message as we would love to help. We can even come out and give you a free quote for your yard.